Sunday, 16 December 2012

The first few weeks with the Lumia 920

The Nokia Lumia 920 was launched in Australia on the 27 November 2012. This phone represented a huge leap in terms of camera phone features for a mobile. Nokia incorporated a 8.7 MP sensor with a Carl Zeiss lens and optical stabilisation. The blogosphere erupted with many commentators reviewing the product. Many saying that the camera performed very well in low light but not so well in daylight. They had photos to prove how soft and uninspiring the photos can be. A lot of this can be attributed to user error.

I am a photographer and have been taking landscapes and portraits for over 6 years. While the Lumia 920 will never replace an DSLR, it is my opinion that it will replace your point and shoot camera. It will be your day to day camera, the go to camera when you have no other options. So far this has proven true, rather than carrying 8 kg of gear. The phone is perfect for the opportunistic shooter. The site is a tribute to these moments.
Like all cameras knowing the limits and playing on the platform strengths makes a hell of a difference. Shutter lag, focus and metering are the weaknesses for the platform. But you can compensate for all these variables with some amazing results. Here are some of my initial work using the phone. The results speak for themselves.

Down at the rocks Sydney. Very impressed considering it was hand held and quite late at night.
A more controlled shot. This is amazing considering it was hand held.

Portrait of my nephew, the phone captured the moment perfectly.

Eating an ice cream.

I love ice cream. Taken hand held with the phone.

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